Clint Heyer pro­jects


Ambient in­dus­trial process and net­work event rep­re­sen­ta­tion
ABB Norway, Postdoc, 2009; DSTC, 2001


With Tommy Lillehagen

TheatreBox” is de­signed to show live data, such as cur­rent pro­duc­tion at a gas plant, with re­spect to his­tor­i­cal av­er­ages. Light colour and in­ten­sity is used for live data, and the an­gle of the satin is used to rep­re­sent a three-point gra­di­ent to rep­re­sent trends.

The video is of a test se­quence us­ing syn­thetic data.

Importantly, this sys­tem was not de­signed to ex­press ex­act fig­ures. Rather it was meant to sup­port am­bi­ent aware­ness of in­for­ma­tion. In the same way we are aware of the hap­pen­ings of the weather while work­ing at our of­fice desk with­out nec­es­sar­ily pay­ing at­ten­tion to the weather or read­ing nu­mer­i­cal dis­plays.


We also ex­per­i­mented with us­ing a con­sumer Nabaztag” smart ob­ject to ex­plore whether the rab­bit aes­thetic might open new forms of ex­pres­sion. In lieu of a pro­gram­ming in­ter­face, this work also ne­ces­si­tated re­verse-en­gi­neer­ing the wire pro­to­col of Nabaztag and im­ple­ment­ing my own fake server for the rab­bit to con­nect to.


In a sum­mer in­tern­ship at the Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC) in 2001, I de­vel­oped Congo, a sys­tem which au­ralised events in sur­round sound. For ex­am­ple, a re­ceived email could be heard as a pro­jec­tile com­ing from a par­tic­u­lar lo­ca­tion, de­pend­ing on the sender. Congo was in­spired by Peep (2000), but sig­nif­i­cantly, utilised sur­round sound.
