Clint Heyer pro­jects

Family Traces

Situating fam­ily so­cial net­work ac­tiv­ity in the home.
2012-2013. With Irina Shklovski.

Today, it’s com­mon to share things on­line with friends, fam­ily or even peo­ple you’ve never met through ser­vices such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. We might share a thought, a proud mo­ment, a mun­dane up­date on ac­tiv­ity or a pho­to­graphic snap­shot from our every­day life. Many of these on­line post­ings only ex­ist on­line and are ac­ces­si­ble through a web browser or app, even though there is of­ten a phys­i­cal, in-the-world ac­tiv­ity that served as their gen­e­sis. The Family Traces pro­ject is an ini­tial ex­plo­ration into sit­u­at­ing home mem­ber’s so­cial net­work­ing ac­tiv­ity in the home it­self. Open ques­tions in­clude how to ef­fec­tively man­age pri­vacy and dis­clo­sure, what man­i­fes­ta­tion these dig­i­tal traces of life should take on when sit­u­ated in the home, and what prac­tices emerge and evolve as a re­sult.

In the home
Overview of the in­ter­face (faked for pri­vacy)
