Clint Heyer pro­jects


Situated, hand­held in­dus­trial process con­trol.
ABB Norway, Postdoc, 2008. With Mogens Mathiesen.

A mo­bile tool for field op­er­a­tors to in­ter­act with DCS-controlled equipment.

Field op­er­a­tors in in­dus­trial sites, such as oil and gas re­finer­ies, face the dif­fi­culty of in­ter­act­ing with re­motely con­trolled phys­i­cal equip­ment. A field op­er­a­tor might be stand­ing in front of a valve, but have lit­tle pos­si­bil­ity for con­trol­ling that valve, or find­ing out its sta­tus. Much of their in­ter­ac­tion needs to be me­di­ated via ra­dio con­tact with the con­trol room. This has some pe­riph­eral ben­e­fits as con­trol room op­er­a­tors are bet­ter aware of ac­tiv­ity in the field, but can be the cause of un­nec­es­sary ra­dio con­ges­tion and mis­takes.


Munin was an ex­plo­ration of in-field con­trol of equip­ment. Using an in­dus­trial mo­bile de­vice, users can pick up the RFID tag of a piece of equip­ment, open its face­plate and con­trol it. In this demon­stra­tor sys­tem, we in­te­grated an ac­tual mo­tor and stan­dard ABB con­trol soft­ware and hard­ware to show fea­si­bil­ity.
