ABB Norway, Postdoc, 2008. With Mogens Mathiesen.
A mobile tool for field operators to interact with DCS-controlled equipment.
Field operators in industrial sites, such as oil and gas refineries, face the difficulty of interacting with remotely controlled physical equipment. A field operator might be standing in front of a valve, but have little possibility for controlling that valve, or finding out its status. Much of their interaction needs to be mediated via radio contact with the control room. This has some peripheral benefits as control room operators are better aware of activity in the field, but can be the cause of unnecessary radio congestion and mistakes.

Munin was an exploration of in-field control of equipment. Using an industrial mobile device, users can pick up the RFID tag of a piece of equipment, open its faceplate and control it. In this demonstrator system, we integrated an actual motor and standard ABB control software and hardware to show feasibility.
- “Interaction with the dirty, dangerous, and dull.” Heyer, C. and Husøy, K. (2012). interactions 19, 4 (July 2012), pp. 19-23. ACM Press
- “Investigations of Ubicomp in the Oil and Gas Industry.” Heyer, C. (2010) In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP2010), Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM, New York, pp. 61-64. ACM Portal