Undergrad 3rd year, 2001.
NetViz/Probe was an exploration into distributed computing and visualisation. It consisted of a front-end, *NetViz* and a back-end, *Probe*. It was roughly designed for network administrators to get an overview of their network.

Probe was a peer-to-peer mesh of distributed sensing nodes which actively probed network topology and real-time usage using SNMP. Work was automatically shared amongst probe nodes to (relatively) efficiently handle a large network and deal with network partitions.

NetViz was a hyperbolic tree-based visualisation of network topology. Additional metadata was provided about network nodes using icons, colouring and line weights. Expanding a network segment reveals sub-ranges and eventually, individual network devices such as computers, printers and routers.
A nice trick was that when the user has expanded a particular section, the Probe mesh would increase the rate at which it would probe for status, and when the user navigated away from a section, the probing rate would drop.