Clint Heyer pro­jects


Mesh net­works for im­proved safety in in­dus­trial en­vi­ron­ments.
ABB Norway, Postdoc, 2009. With Knut Karlsson.

The Perimeter+ con­cept con­sists of a dis­trib­uted sen­sor mesh of safety sen­sors (such as for nox­ious gas or smoke), a high-vis­i­bil­ity alert, and in­te­grat­ing into the plant net­work. The pur­pose is to en­hance field op­er­a­tor safety.

When con­duct­ing main­te­nance and re­pairs, it is pro­ce­dure at many oil and gas fa­cil­i­ties to erect a vi­sual bar­rier around the work site. The vi­sual bar­rier how­ever of­fers no more pro­tec­tion than that, but it is pru­dent to in­crease the haz­ard-sens­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties when and where risk is higher, such as dur­ing a pro­ce­dure. Perimeter+ sup­ple­ments body-worn sens­ing (which aren’t con­nected to the plant net­work), and sparsely-dis­trib­uted per­ma­nent fixed sen­sors. Fixed sen­sors aren’t nec­es­sar­ily in the right place to cover tem­po­rary ar­eas of higher risk, and be­cause of their spar­sity, it is dif­fi­cult to dis­tin­guish be­tween haz­ards and false-pos­i­tives.

Sensor tow­ers
