ABB Norway, Postdoc, 2009; DSTC, 2001
With Tommy Lillehagen
“TheatreBox” is designed to show live data, such as current production at a gas plant, with respect to historical averages. Light colour and intensity is used for live data, and the angle of the satin is used to represent a three-point gradient to represent trends.
The video is of a test sequence using synthetic data.
Importantly, this system was not designed to express exact figures. Rather it was meant to support ambient awareness of information. In the same way we are aware of the happenings of the weather while working at our office desk without necessarily paying attention to the weather or reading numerical displays.

We also experimented with using a consumer “Nabaztag” smart object to explore whether the rabbit aesthetic might open new forms of expression. In lieu of a programming interface, this work also necessitated reverse-engineering the wire protocol of Nabaztag and implementing my own fake server for the rabbit to connect to.
In a summer internship at the Distributed Systems Technology Centre (DSTC) in 2001, I developed Congo, a system which auralised events in surround sound. For example, a received email could be heard as a projectile coming from a particular location, depending on the sender. Congo was inspired by Peep (2000), but significantly, utilised surround sound.More
- “Interaction with the dirty, dangerous, and dull.” Heyer, C. and Husøy, K. (2012). interactions 19, 4 (July 2012), pp. 19-23. ACM Press
- “Investigations of Ubicomp in the Oil and Gas Industry.” Heyer, C. (2010) In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP2010), Copenhagen, Denmark. ACM, New York, pp. 61-64. ACM Portal
- “Ambient Interaction Framework Software Infrastructure for the Rapid Development of Pervasive Computing Environments.” Sutton, P., Brereton, M., Heyer, C. and MacColl, I. (2002) In Ubiquitous Computing Trends: Tricks and Traps. Australian Computing Society.